WKSC may be used and distributed freely provided that
1. only a nominal copying fee is charged,
2. this file is included,
3. if WKSC is included with other programs in a compilation disk
or set of disks, then a copy of these disk/s is sent to me.
WKSC may not be used for any commercial purposes without express written permission.
WKSC (Workbench Keyboard Shortcut Changer) is a program which allows you to change the keyboard shortcuts used for the Workbench menus. WKSC works on Workbench 1.2, 1.3 and 2.0. (For the rest of this file, references to Workbench 1.2 will also apply to Workbench 1.3).
Installing WKSC:
All that is required is to drag the WKSC icon into whatever drawer you wish it to be in - on either a hard or floppy disk. The WKSC icon is essential for WKSC's operation.
Starting WKSC:
Double-click the WKSC icon to run. If running from the CLI type the program name. All of WKSC's options are set by icon ToolTypes. WKSC must be able to find it's icon to be able to operate. Therefore, when starting WKSC from the CLI or from a script file eg. your startup-sequence, the directory that WKSC is in must be the current directory, or you must type in WKSC's full path name. For example, if WKSC is located in dh0:Utilities type
cd dh0:Utilities
run WKSC
run dh0:Utilities/WKSC
If you are using Workbench 2.0, then you can place WKSC in your WBStartup drawer amd WKSC will be automatically started when you boot your Amiga. If you do this, one of WKSC's ToolTypes should be DONOTWAIT. Also, you should ensure that WKSC is started after other programs in the WBStartup drawer, especially if you are using a program which adds menu items to the Workbench Tools menu eg ToolManager by Stefan Becker. To ensure that WKSC is started after these programs, make one of the WKSC's icon ToolType STARTPRI=n, where n is a number lower than any of the others (but higher that -129). The default WKSC icon comes with STARTPRI=-10 already set. See the Workbench Programs section of the Workbench 2.0 manual for more information on the WBStartup drawer. (Page 4-35 in my manual)
If WKSC encounters any problems while loading, an error mesage will appear. There are two main reasons for failure - either the Workbench window has not yet been opened or WKSC can not find it's icon. If WKSC loaded successfully, a window containing a copyright message will appear and then disappear after 5 seconds.
Setting WKSC Options:
WKSC allows you to change existing or add new keyboard shortcuts for the Workbench menus. The changes you which to make are contained in WKSC's ToolTypes. For more information about how to change ToolTypes, see your Amiga Workbench manuals or "Changing WKSC ToolTypes" below.
To change a keyboard shortcut, enter a ToolType which follows the following rules. Enter the name of the menu item or sub menu item EXACTLY as it appears in the menu or sub menu, followed by an "=", followed by the letter you want to assign as it's keyboard shortcut. For example, to assign the letter "X" to the "Delete..." menu make a ToolType which reads
To make the Workbench 1.2 Discard command the same enter
If there is no entry after the "=", then there will be no keyboard shortcut for that menu. (A space is considered a character). If that menu has a shortcut by default, it will be removed. For example,
will remove the "S" shortcut from the Workbench 2 "Snapshot" command.
If one of the Icon ToolTypes is NOMESSAGE, then the copyright message will not be displayed.
Any menu items or sub menu items that belong to any menus on the Workbench screen can be altered by WKSC. This includes menu items added to the Worbench 2.0 Tools menu or added to Workbench 1.2 by a program such as MyMenu. WKSC will search through all these menus looking for a title matching those in the WKSC's icon ToolTypes. If WKSC can't find a matching menu, the ToolType entry will be ignored. Note that WKSC doesn't check for more than one entry using the same keyboard shortcut - it is your responsibility to avoid conflicts.
Removing WKSC:
WKSC can only be removed by resetting the Workbench screen. Under Workbench 2.0, this can be done by choosing "ResetWB" from the "Tools" menu. Under Workbench 1.2, there is no equivalent command, so you can not remove WKSC. However, other programs can reset the Workbench screen and make WKSC disappear. For example running the Workbench 1.2 Preferences program resets the Workbench to match the new settings you select, so WKSC will disappear after running Preferences.
Changing WKSC ToolTypes:
Open the drawer that WKSC is located in. Select the WKSC icon. (Click once on the icon with the left mouse button). Select "Info" from the "Workbench" menu (for Workbench 1.2) or "Information..." from the "Icons" menu (for Workbench 2.0). The "Information" window for WKSC will appear. The ToolTypes are listed on the bottom of the window. Under Workbench 2.0, they will be listed in a list gadget, under Workbench 1.2 they will be listed in a string gadget. To add a new ToolType, click on the "New" gadget (WB 2) or the "Add" gadget (WB 1.2). Type in the new ToolType and press the <RETURN> or <ENTER> key. You MUST press one of these keys for the new ToolType to be added. To change an existing ToolType, click on the one you wish to change in the list gadget (WB 2) or click on the Up or Down arrows until the entry you want to change appears in the string gadget (WB 1.2). Make the required changes to the text in the string gadget and then press <RETURN> or <ENTER>. Again, you must press one of these keys to make the changes. To delete a ToolType, make sure the ToolType you wish to delete is in the string gadget and click the 'Del' gadget.
When you have made the changes you want to make to the ToolTypes, click on the "Save" gadget.